Ten years ago, the very first edition of popular reality TV show, Big Brother Nigeria (BBN) was launched, a spinoff of Big Brother Africa. Throngs of applicants struggled on the queue to be selected for the show, but Katung Aduwak, Ebuka Uchendu, Gideon Okeke, and a few others were among the lucky ones who made lasting impression on the judges. For those 14 lucky housemates, the platform offered on a platter of gold an easy entry point into the entertainment world. Thus, the show brought to the limelight 14 vibrant youths who entertained us with their different personalities and unique talent. Ultimately, Katung Aduwak emerged winner and carted home $100,000 after multiple rounds of public voting and contestant eliminations. The ex-BBN housemates have since moved on to various pursuits - some into private businesses which have kept them out of the spotlight, while others trode the path of stardom. With the second edition of the competition set for January 2017, here’s ...