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Has Adele Blurred Her Bright Future After The Grammys?

Last week, Adele stomped out every single competition in all five nominated categories, performed twice on the big stage, and exercised the graceful audacity to restart a tribute performance of the late George Michael, saying that it wasn't perfect at the first take.  

The British vocalist’s  wins didn’t top the evening's conversation, rather, it was her blatant worship to the Queen Bey who lost to her in all categories they were both nominated in.  In Adele profession, she felt the “Lemonade” album was well thought-out and deserves to win over her “25” album.  Soaked in tears, Adele said:

"I can't possibly accept this award, and I'm very humbled and very grateful and gracious, but my life is Beyoncé. And the album to me, the Lemonade album, Beyoncé, was so monumental and so well thought out. And so beautiful and soul-baring and we all got to see another side of you that you don't always let us see, and we appreciate that. And all us artists adore you, You are our light. And the way that you make me and my friends feel, the way you make my black friends feel is empowering, and you make them stand up for themselves. And I love you. I always have." She continued in her backstage interview saying, "I felt like it was her time to win," Adele told reporters in the press room. "What the f--k does she have to do to win album of the year? That's how I feel."

Beyonce, seated at the front row in the audience gave nods of acknowledgement amid teary eyes.  

Like every action has an opposite and equal reaction, there are chances that Adele may never be taken seriously due to the way she openly aired her emotions. You may ask why, here, are the reasons. 

Disrespect To The Grammy Council?

The Grammy is music’s world cup. It celebrates musical artistry over commercial sales, and has done so for many years without doubt.

Prior to the Grammy night, many critics and music lovers felt the ‘Lemonade’ album would be snubbed in the Album of the Year category out of the single fact it celebrated the black female figure. The opus extols black women in their journey through life. It was apparent Grammy body composed of white people may not appreciate this. The critics only had to wait for the award night to confirm their fears. 

Adele on the other, is an active Beyhive member. As a matter of fact, she campaigned the “Lemonade” album chanting lemonade with her fist pumping into the air, a lemon brooch adorning her.

Would this simple act haunt Adele’s future efforts? Would the committee look at her in a certain unpleasant way that may lead to a possible snub? Would she remain their favorite? What are your thoughts?


  1. Adele is white, really white, like British white: nothing will happen to her. Only black artistes lose their careers by going against the system or even committing some type of mistake (remember Janet's boob at the Superbowl? See how Justin Timberlake who has been completely oblivious to the incident gets to perform the Superbowl again, while Janet is still banned?).

    White people and, sometimes, white latinas, get to have thriving careers while repeatedly doing things that would cost any black person's career. I mean Camila Cabello literally called Normani a nigger but her career is popping while Normani is STILL being hated on as if she was the one who bullied Camila.

    The power structures of the world just don't care what you do unless your skin possesses too much melanin for them.

    Even this year's Grammy decided to award the AOTY to the one non black artist whose album was really a rip off of black culture who also chose to wear his hair in a fro and a little more tan on the day.

    I just wish that Bey and Rih and all these top black artistes would just totally boycott the Grammys just once, just one time, like black models did sometime in the 2000s, so that those ratings would hit the lowest of lows. They have to show those fat, old, wrinkled, no-seasoning having white racist members of the Grammys where the real power resides.

    Watch as they find a way to give Taylor Swift even more Grammys next year despite her really poor album.

    I like a little bit of Adele by the way.

    1. Thank you Nala for your interest on the subject and making out time to air your opinions. We love you for that.

  2. The layout of this blog is just sickening!!!! REALLY SICKENING!!!!

    1. We love people that help us grow and will by extension love to thank you for your feedbacks.

      For a while we've stopped posting because we want to expand the scope of the blog, buy a new domain and recruit fervent writers to contribute. We are quite sorry the layout isn't to your taste. We will also put this into consideration.
      Thanks Nala. And we love you.


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