‘Ultralight Beam’ is a song recorded by American rapper and fashion mogul Kanye West. It features efforts from The Dream, Kelly Price, Chance The Rapper and Kirk Franklin. Charged with black power and choral performance, ‘Ultralight Beam’ stands bold and fearless, yet gentle to the touch with its message that takes on issues as suppression, hope, faith and resilience that form the block of ‘Life Of Pablo’ album. 'Ultralight Beam' is a Gospel in its arrangement and instrumentation that seamlessly infuses jazz flavours accentuated through resounding horns. What really sets the pace on ‘Ultralight Beam’ remains its subtlety in the way it gives room for each act to vocally express themselves. The track sets off on the zestful vocals of 4 years old Natalie Green, culled from a YouTube video that sees Green pray for her family shortly before they embark on a journey. The infusion of Green's vocals easily buys the emotions of the liste...